Sophie Anne agreed for us to party at her house. LaFayette shows up, apparently working for Eric, informing everyone and King Enoch that Eric was seen with Sookie and Elle. Jessica saw all three naked though an open window. Everyone could see the fire of anger arise in the King's eyes. King Enoch stormed out looking for Eric. Bill Compton shows up at this point and is informed of the news as well. He leaves in anger as well to find Eric. King Enoch came back to speak with the queen and vows to torture and kill Eric and drain Sookie and Elle. Sophie Anne refused to let Enoch kill her sheriff and advised if he continued with his plan she would bring in and older and stronger vampire to go against him. King Enoch at this point agrees to not kill but swears that Eric will feel pain.
As night broke Melz walked into Fangtasia looked around and saw Eric on his Throne she ran upto him and started to question about what was said the night before. Eric stared to laugh saying "If I had done such a thing do you not think i would tell you" at this Melz looked at Eric and asked if that was really true because he had wanted Sookie and Elle for a long time, right at that point Dawn came into Fangtasia and saw Melz with Eric she screamed how could you Melz you told the King you did not know where Eric was, At this Eric sat back hoping for a fight to brighten up his day.
Melz and Dawn for sometime were exchanging heated words then they started to fight at this Eric was plased and sat back and watched after a long and hard fight with both covered in blood they sank to the floor.
Just as Melz and Dawn slumped to the flood Jessica burst in saw the two of them and Eric and said im getting Bill and before they know it Jessica had ran off at Vampire speed. Eric laughed to Melz and Dawn saying what can Compton do to someone as old as me and reclined back into his throne, Some time
had passed and Bill walked into Fangtasia, has he got towards the throne Eric said "William i have been expecting you" Bill's Fangs came out and he said 'Eric is it true" Eric shouted at Bill "retract those fangs now Compton" Bill again said "is it true" Eric stood up and at Vampire speed was in Bills face saying "Compton just remember who i am now retract those fangs now "Bill did as Eric said and went on to say "is it true about you and Sookie" Eric replied "William what happens between myself and Sookie is between the two of us" Bill's fangs came out once again and he said "tell me now Northman did you sleep with Sookie" at this
Eric was growing tired of Bill Questions he launched towards Bill and took a bite out of him, Bill fell to
the floor,
By now Jessica was stood there watching all of this and her Fangs came out saying Eric how could you, Eric grined as he looked at Jessica and he said "child you are no match for me now put those baby teeth back in before i pull them out" Jessica scared of Eric said "Im going to get the King he is a match for you" and she ran out of the club.
Melz looking scared begged Eric to leave then Jessica came back in said to Bill "come on lets get out of here the King is on his way" she helped Bill up and they both left the club. Melz was getting more and more scared saying "Eric we must go the King is as old as the dust on the ground you know he will Kill you" Eric started to laugh "kill me, Kill me do you not know what happened to the last King who tried to kill me" then for outside the club i strong deep voice shouted "NORTHMAN" Eric shouted back "what is it King" and the King shouted once more come out here right now" then the King saw rage as he heard Eric laugh from inside the door flew open.King Enoch walked in and you could see his fury
he ran to Eric at vampire speed, Melz was stood with Eric and the King knocked her out of the way the King said "did you do it Northman" and Eric grined at the King and asked "King what are you talking about the Kings fangs came out and again said
"did you do what people say" Eric replied "King you need to get your facts right" at this the King was in a rage he dragged Eric into the dungen and bound him in silver chains and asked
"why did you do it Eric" Eric in pain looked to the King and said you have the wrong idea and are making a massive mistake King, The King now stood with Dawn said "it is you that as made the mistake Northman and in the morning you will meet your true death"
The King and Dawn walked back into the club you could hear screams for Eric in the dungen in pain shouting you will regret this King your wrong in your thoughts, Then the King turned on Melz again saying she hid Eric and threw her against the wall before binding her in sliver chains.
Queen Sophie then walked into Fangtasia, She saw what the King had done and could hear Eric in the dungen and ordered the King to let them all go but the king refused then Queen Sophie said "King i have warned you now let them go or i will have to bring one in who is stronger than you to sort this mess out" the King with anger on his face let Melz out of the chains and said "you can sortout Northman, then said now its Elle and Sookies turn and ran out at Vampire speed" Queen Sophie told all of Fangtasia to get out and she whould sort things out, at her command everyone left.
Later in Merlottes Elle walked in looking for Sookie as no one had seen her Elle decided to goto Sookies House some time later the King came in and was in search or Elle he shouted "where is Elle and Sookie" Jessica replied "King Elle was here but she left looking for Sookie, i think she went to her house try there King" so the King flew out of Merlottes and made his way to Sookies house on his way there Anastasia was stood there watching saying "go get them King"
King Enoch arrived at the House and shouted "Stackhouse come out now" Sookie shouted back to the King "What is it that you want"
The King then Kicked the door open he went to the upstairs
of the house and ripped the door off of Sookies room, Sookie and Elle looked Scared and asked "what do you want, whats wrong with you" the King just flew at Sookie and started to bite her then Elle opened her hands and light came out and hit the King so hard he flew through the front wall of the house,
screams was heard and Anastasia was also laughing saying "this was so so easy" then carried on laughing at what was going on, the King got up off the floor and rose in the air and started an attack on the house using all the power he had
Elle was thrown from the house with just Sookie left inside and lighting blots were hitting the house then there was a big bang and the whole place was on fire,
again Anastasia started to laugh saying "I can't believe how easy this was" then Jessica went to Anastasia and said "you did all this didnt you" Anastasia looked at Jessica and laughed saying "it was so easy to make you and Lafayette think you saw things i can't believe how easy it really was" at this everyone was shouting to the King it was anna King stop, please stop the King heard this and felw right to Anastasia and said is the true, Anastasia just laughed
so the King started to hit Anastasia with blots of lighting
he said "this will no longer happen right now i will Kill you and no more will you contol the minds of these people" the he hit her once more and a black mist came over her and she sank into the ground,
It was over but the mess the King made and Sookie and Elle what he did to them.
The King went to Sookies house looking for the two of them Sookie had fled to Bills, but Elle was just sat under rubble of the house,
they made things up and the King said "I will do anything to prove that i am sorry" Elle smiled and said let go.
Is this the last we will see of the Witches and all the crazy days in Bon Temps? follow our Roleplay to find out!!!
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